Neuropsychological Testing Options
We are proud to offer a flexible, customized range of cognitive, social, and emotional assessments for a wide age range. Our approach allows the client to collaboratively determine the direction testing will go in order to answer the question that brought you into our office.

Who We See

Children (age 6-17)

Young adults (age 18-25)

Adults (age 26+)
Each assessment includes a comprehensive package of services that is customizable to each client’s unique needs. This includes an initial intake session, all testing and data analysis, and a feedback session resulting in an integrated report that is concise and easy to read.
We are committed to providing follow-up services for a full year after testing has been completed. This additional amenity may include ongoing dialogue with our clients, IEP or 504 plan meetings, as well as consultation with therapists and other treating professionals, educators, and school administrators.
Private School Entrance Testing
If your child requires IQ testing for entrance into a private school or university, we will conduct the evaluation, analyze the data and provide a full report in 2 weeks.

When You Schedule a Neuropsychological Evaluation
Intake Session
During this initial meeting we will:
take medical and psychiatric history
address questions and concerns
discuss payment options
schedule testing and feedback meetings
If it would be useful, family members are welcome to attend this session.
We tailor each evaluation according to the client's unique diagnostic questions, therefore it may take anywhere from 5 – 8 hours to complete all necessary assessments. Testing will usually be scheduled over the course of one day. However, multiple appointments may be necessary to address particularly complex cases or behavioral concerns and to accommodate scheduling conflicts.
Feedback Session
In this meeting, we will go over the results from testing, answer questions, and begin discussing recommendations. The clinician will also offer her clinical impressions in order to determine if they are in keeping with the client's experiences.
A comprehensive, yet concise, report that is written in plain language will be available following testing and feedback. Our recommendations are created to address specific clinical needs and provide resources, concrete suggestions, and applicable accommodations.
Follow-up Services
Every evaluation includes a full year of consultation services (totaling 5 hours) that ensure our clients access all the benefits of their testing data. Some examples of this feature include referrals to mental healthcare providers, attendance at IEP meetings, consultation with advocacy professionals, among others.
Additional client conversations, school meetings, and consultation with educational, clinical, or vocational contacts will be scheduled as needed.
Contact us today to set up a free, informational meeting.